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This course covers area 7 of the Test Management Body of Knowledge (TMBOK) requirements. This course also counts as an Elective towards the requirements of the Certified Software Test Professional certification and the CSTAS certification.
For costs and cities where this course might be offered, please see the right border of this page or to bring this course to your test team at your location, contact our Education and Professionals Services Group.
ConceptsDelivering software systems that meet business needs has always been a challenge for IT organizations. We’re all interested in giving our business users what they need to do their job better. So, why are we having problems consistently delivering quality systems?
Through our experience working with many fortune 500 organizations, we explain that specific practices in software quality and testing significantly improves the quality of delivered systems; resulting in meeting the needs of the business.
In this course, we will take an in-depth examination of the practices that organizations who are serious about quality, have implemented.
This seminar will provide many interesting and new ideas to all members of any software project. This includes project managers, test managers, development managers, QA personnel at all levels, test teams, and development teams.
Outline- The software quality puzzle
- Software Quality Engineering as a collaborative function
- A pragmatic view of quality
- Definition of quality
- Quantifying quality
- Achieving quality
- Best practice in requirement management
- The Requirement Management Process
- The Common Sense Model for Development and Testing
- Documenting requirements
- Requirement traceability
- Model-Based Requirement management for effective testing
- Use cases as a powerful test design tool
- Best practice in software testing and validation
- Requirements are crucial for effective testing
- Test both functional and quality requirements
- Adopt Model-Based requirements
- Formally design your tests
- Perform both positive and negative testing
- Trace requirements to test components
- Trace test cases to database components
- Perform thorough regression testing
- Define your test process
- Select tools to support your process
- Perform both static and dynamic testing
- Best practice in inspections and reviews
- Getting the most out of inspections and reviews
- Inspections and reviews do not have to be expensive
- On-line preparation process
- Issue-based inspection meetings
- Defining the 7 parameters of any work product
- Building the inspection process
- Best Practice in Process Definition and Improvement
- Defining your work process is simpler than what you think
- Everyone will define his or her process for what they do
- A pragmatic frame work for defining individual and team processes
- Defining the process parameters for different test and QA processes (a Workshop)