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Improving Life Cycle Software Quality Assurance (SQA) with Measurements
Alfred SorkwitzExperience has shown that software quality must be built in at every stage of the Software Life Cycle. It cannot be added, inspected, or tested-in after the software has been built, by a separate SQA staff. This short presentation focuses on software metrics that can be used to make assessments throughout the software life cycle as to whether software progress, productivity, and quality goals are being met.
Learning Objectives:
- An introduction and overview of SQA. This includes the purpose, goals, and activities performed by the SQA organization
- The importance of metrics in SQA
- Capturing and using measurement data to set new SQA goals.
- An introduction to Two measurements that are being used by numerous SQA teams:
- Requirement Stability/Volatility
- Design Progress
- Fault Tracking and Management